Promotion Cakes, Farewell Cakes, and Party Dessert Recommendations
In addition to dacquoise, we also have many popular desserts such as cannoli, breton and madeleine,
Financier, Granny's Lemon Cake, etc., canned Flower of Salt cookies are our popular items.
Except for canned products, all our products are individually packaged, which is hygienic and convenient for gift giving.

Dacquoise is a classic French dessert in the 17th century. It originates from the hot spring town "Dax” in southwest France, hence its name. The surface is sprinkled with powdered sugar before baking, using high temperatures to form a beautiful grainy crispy surface. Therefore, dacquoise is also called the plate of pearls in Japan. LOVEVER's dacquoise uses a very large amount of almond flour, so you can taste the very strong aroma of the crust when you bite through. The surface is crispy and the interior tender, soft and light. With our variety of flavoured fillings which enhances the flavour profile, your taste buds will be surprised.

Mini Lemon Cake
The texture of this mini cake is between pound cake and sponge cake. The surface is covered with lemon icing which is quite heavy in lemon flavour that provides tartness. This mini cake can be kept under room temperature and does not need to be stored in the fridge. Please keep it in a cool dry place, it is recommended to consume this mini lemon cake within 2 days.

Bretonne Biscut
Breton biscuits (also known as Galettes) are traditional snacks named after the Brittany region in northwestern France. Made with French Isigny fermented butter, vanilla pods, and fleur de sel, they have a rich milky flavor, sweet and salty. The fleur de sel plays a wonderful balancing role. The salty-sweet taste is crispy and crunchy, making it a perfect afternoon snack with a cup of tea.
Canelé, also known as Angel's Bell, is a small French dessert that is very labor-intensive and time-consuming to make. It uses milk, flour, rum, and vanilla pods, which must be left to stand for 24 hours after mixing to blend the aromas before being baked at high temperatures. The surface is a hard and crisp brown caramel shell, and the inside is a honeycomb batter that exudes the aroma of wine and vanilla, with a crispy skin and a chewy interior.
「Storage method」: If you want to prolong the crispness of the croquettes, you can store them in the refrigerator and thaw them for ten minutes before eating. Do not store them in the freezer. Once the croquettes get damp, they will lose their crispy texture. Therefore, you must grasp the golden time of crispness and eat them as soon as possible within two hours at room temperature.
「How to eat」: In addition to thawing and eating directly, Matcha Caneloo recommends baking it in the oven at 170 degrees for 10 minutes (remember to preheat the oven) or in the air fryer at 170 degrees for the same 10 minutes to enjoy the runny texture of Matcha.
I don't recommend microwaving the skin to make it crispy!
Madeleine in French, also known as Madeleine in French, is a traditional small cake in the shape of a shell. The cake has a firm and dense texture, and the aroma of butter and almonds is rich. Our Madeleine is moist and not dry. We have developed a variety of flavors, which are very suitable for loose cakes.