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蛋糕 / 甜點
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達克瓦茲 Dacquoise
達克瓦茲(Dacquoise) 起源是十七世紀法國宮廷經典點心,因為起源於法國西南部的溫泉鄉「達茲」因此而得名。烘烤前會在表面撒上糖粉,利用高溫形成美麗的顆粒狀脆皮, 所以在日本,也有人稱達克瓦茲為珍珠盤。 LOVEVER 的達克瓦茲裡面使用非常大量的杏仁粉,所以食用時,可以感受到餅殼的非常濃厚的香氣,表層酥脆內部柔軟輕盈,搭配不同奶油霜餡料,口感豐富有層次。 Dacquoise was founded in the 17th century in France where it was a classic pastry within the palace. The name originates from the town Dax located in the southwest of France which is a famous hot spring village. In the process of making a dacquoise, powdered sugar will be sprinkled on the surface before it is baked in the oven. The high temperature will therefore generate the beautiful particles on the biscuit surface like many little pearls and so in Japan people also call dacquoise a “Plate of Pearls” LOVEVER’s dacquoise uses a large amount of almond powder and you can tell the flavor is very rich once you bite through our biscuit base. Very crunchy on the outside and tender soft on the inside. With our variety of flavors, your taste buds will be surprised.
布列塔尼 Bretonne Biscuit
布列塔尼酥餅(也另稱為Galettes)是來自法國西北部布列塔尼區為名的傳統小點心。酥餅中加入法國伊思妮發酵奶油,香草莢、和鹽之花,入口奶香濃郁甜中帶鹹,鹽之花扮演著絕妙的平衡角色,鹹甜鹹甜的口感,酥酥脆脆的,很適合搭配一杯茶當下午茶的點心。 Bretonne Biscuit, (also known as Galettes) is a traditional pastry originated from Brittany, a district in France’s northwest region. Our ingredients include Isigny Ste Mere butter, vanilla planifolia and Fleur de sel. It tastes very creamy and sweet with a slight touch of saltiness. The Fleur de sel gives it a perfect balance and the Bretonne Biscuit is undoubtedly the best choice for your afternoon tea.
可麗露 Canelé
口感介於磅蛋糕跟海棉蛋糕中間的蛋糕體,表面淋的是檸檬糖霜比較偏酸,檸檬味比較重,口感濕潤紮實。 (此款為常溫點心,可以不用冷藏保存,請存放在乾燥陰涼的地方,糖霜受潮會容易出水,建議兩天內食用完畢) The texture of this mini cake is in between of pound cake and sponge cake. The surface is covered with a lemon icing which is quite heavy in lemon flavor and relatively sour. (This product can be kept under room temperature and does not need to be put in the fridge. Please keep it at a dry and cool environment. We suggest to consume this product within 2 days)
瑪德蓮 Madeleine
費南雪 Financier
小塔 Tart